Aquarium Accessories

Aquarium Filters and Fish Tank Filters
There are three mandatory things that just about ever fish tank needs and these include a filter, a heater and lights. The filter is important because it is the thing that keeps the water in the tank clean and clear. Without a fish tank filter your fish will suffer from disease and even death and the water will turn cloudy and start to smell.

Aquarium Heaters
A heater is necessary because in most cases people put tropical fish in their new aquarium. Tropical fish live in warm water and will not live long in water that has big temperature fluctuations. A heater will keep the water temperature constant which tropical fish like best. Remember to get the right size heater for the size of tank you have. The only exception to the heater rule is a gold fish tank. Gold fish can survive in un-heated water.

Aquarium Lighting & Fish Tank Lights
Lights are important for a couple of reasons. There are fish that need the extra light to help them thrive and survive. This is especially true in salt water tanks that have corals and anemones. Lights also add to the beauty of the tank, bringing out the colors of the fish and other accessories you may have.